Dr. Andreas Menychtas is a Senior Software and Research Engineer. He studied in National Technical University of Athens where he received his Electrical & Computer Engineering Diploma in 2004 and his Ph.D. in 2009. His doctoral dissertation focused on the design and implementation of system architectures and methodologies to assure QoS in Service Oriented and Cloud Computing Environments.
He has participated as researcher in several European and national research projects and initiatives in the domain of Distributed Systems, Software Modernization, Smart Cities and IoT, such as CrowdHEALTH, AGILE, SAM, UNCAP, ARTIST, 4CaaST, EPIC, and IRMOS. In addition to his research and engineering efforts, he also acts as team leader and technical coordinator for various research and development activities.
His scientific work is focused on technologies of Cloud Computing, Elasticity and Data Management, System Analysis and Design, IoT, eHealth and Smart City Platforms, and the results of his research have appeared in over 70 scientific journals, conferences and book chapters.